When leaving the relative security of the corporate world to become self-employed it can create a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

Whether you’re changing direction due to redundancy, retirement, or simply want a new challenge, the shifts you will encounter mark the beginning of an exciting chapter in your personal and professional life.

Yes, it might seem daunting at first, but you can create plenty of opportunities with a little soul-searching, learning, and developing a growth mindset.

Embrace the present moment.

You may have heard the phrase “living in the moment”. In its simplest terms, this phrase shows us the importance of taking a breath and pausing to take stock. That pause, which is even more important as you change roles, allows you the time and space to reflect on what you want moving forward.

Stepping away from a corporate position can feel like you are navigating uncharted territory. However, giving yourself time to breathe allows you to discover or rediscover passion projects and new interests or realign with your core values.

Take some time to reflect on what matters to you and your family and begin to piece together the kind of life you want to create beyond the corporate walls.

Don’t rush this step. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the evolution. Explore all the possibilities open to you and experiment with new thoughts and ideas. Give yourself time to learn and grow, but take small daily steps towards your new venture.

“Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour” John Heywood.

The unknown doesn’t have to be scary.

The corporate world can be familiar, even when you aren’t happy in that environment. The schedule or monotony can provide small comfort. When you step into the world of self-employment, you may experience resistance, apprehension, and fear of the unknown.

FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

It’s not easy to embrace fear, and I learnt a technique that has helped me so much over the years. I made fear a third person! Yep, that’s right. I separated all that fear stood for, and made it someone I then converse with. Fear is my ally when going in to new situations. We face the challenge together. As crazy as it sounds, it works.

Whatever method you choose, focus on fear in a positive way. Know it is only there to protect you, and YOU decide when you’re in danger, not fear. I can promise you that most of the scary situations when starting a new business will not lead to death! so you will survive and you will learn and grow.

Embrace any worries you feel about your ability to succeed outside a structured setting. Stepping out of your comfort zone is where true growth lives, and when you welcome change, spontaneity, and more freedom, you create a positive outlook and unlock that entrepreneurial productivity.

Acknowledge that resistance exists, but don’t let it stop you. Get crystal clear about your commitment to your new self-employment journey and build a strategy around support and accountability within your network.

Challenge your limiting beliefs.

Holding onto any doubts or insecurities about stepping into the unknown is common. It may make you question if you are ready, good enough, or able to do anything beyond what you were trained and paid to do in your corporate role.

When you feel these beliefs bubbling up, remember all the skills, experiences, and insights you have gained throughout your corporate career. Everything you have learned over your years in employment can be easily transferred to your entrepreneurial journey.

  • Time management
  • Leadership skills
  • Project management
  • Delegation
  • Communication
  • Negotiation

So many aspects of your corporate job will help you challenge any limiting beliefs that might hold you back. Focus on creating a positive mindset.

Are you ready to become a student again?

Becoming self-employed isn’t all about the big launch, the products or services, or building a new network of colleagues and clients. Staying curious and embracing all the new opportunities to learn and grow will help you thrive as a business owner. Become an eternal student, sign up for webinars, listen to Podcasts, network with other entrepreneurs, and invest in your professional development. Days like the FSB events are perfect for learning, networking, and building confidence.

Build resilience.

Everyone has days when self-doubt creeps in, and challenges feel too weighty to deal with. However, during these moments, you need to build resilience and determination that your business will succeed.

Focus on your business goals, maintain a positive mindset, and most important, ask for help and support when necessary. It doesn’t mean you’re a faiilure if you ask for help. Self-employment can feel lonely sometimes, but building a good network around you helps you navigate the difficult moments.

And the great news is, moving from corporate to self-employed allows you to redefine success on your own terms. You get to rekindle your passions, work with purpose, and align with your core values and aspirations.

When I lost my business, one of my consultants sent me this brilliant speech by Theodore Roosevelt. I felt that I had truly failed – not just myself, but all of the people who had been on that journey with me. I was wrong. I had succeeded in more ways than I realised, and I had been brave enough to try.

The self-employment arena is rewarding in many ways. All you need is the courage to step into that arena.

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” —Theodore Roosevelt

Reinvent yourself and enjoy the ride!

“Jules is all about doing it right! Right education, right training, right attitude, right outcomes for all! If you want to do it right, speak to Jules White.” Asvin Chauhan, CEO Pharma Wealth

Are you ready to feel confident for the good of your business?

Book one of my Express30 coaching sessions and gain the clarity you need to drive sales in your business. If you have a burning challenge with sales, then my Express 30 sessions are designed to solve that issue in just 30 minutes.

“I booked an Express30 session with Jules when I was feeling a bit blocked on my business’s direction. I needed clarity on the services I offer and a boost of confidence to push forward with my plans. Jules doesn’t waste a second and quickly gets to the core of your challenge, ensuring you leave with everything you need and a buzz about your business goals. I can highly recommend these Express30 sessions.” Shelley Wilson, Writing Mentor

Want to find out more? Schedule a virtual cuppa with me, and we can have a chat about the Express30 sessions and my other coaching services.

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