Mindful Listening – excerpt from my book ‘Live it Love it Sell it’
Although it’s a topic beyond the scope of this book, I find practising mindfulness useful. It helps you to shut out the world and focus. My friend and mindfulness expert Karen Ramsay-Smith has, though, given me a wonderful exercise to share with you here. Karen is a...
One day or day one…
I have wanted to write this all week. I kept waiting. Consuming everything everyone else was saying and seeing people repeat the same messages. So much fear, anger, desperation and amongst all that, the people who are ever optimistic and positive – the people...
Who are you on social media?
Hello social media friends who regularly like and comment on whatever I post – I appreciate you so much Hello social media friends who only comment on things of real interest to you – I appreciate you so much Hello lurkers who don’t ever comment or...
What They Don’t Tell You About Sales – The Missing Link
Have you ever come across that one great salesperson? You know the one. They have great energy, they hit every target, they create great deals, and they just make sales look easy. Yes, I am sure I am describing someone you have on your team or someone you may have...
What is a mum? No two Mums are the same and I can only tell you about my mum – because she was mine and something very special.